Relationship Resources

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Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No To Take Control of Your Life - Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Boundaries helps you set healthy limits with the people in your life—partners, friends, co-workers, yourself. This book helps readers work through guilt and shame surrounding boundaries so they can maintain healthy relationships.

Radical Candor - Kim Scott

Though aimed more for working relationships, Radical Candor still provides valuable groundwork for 4 types of relationships—manipulative insincerity, obnoxious aggression, ruinous empathy (where most of my clients fall), and the strong bonds of radical candor—a type of relationship with healthy limits where BOTH people matter.

Safe People: How to Find Relationships that are Good for You and Avoid Those That Aren’t - Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Safe People recognizes the traps readers sometimes find themselves in—relationships where one is left feeling manipulated, shamed, guilted, etc. This book provides readers with strategies to find “safe people” and break out of negative relationships patterns.

The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You - Elaine N. Aron

This book focuses on familiarizing the reader with their “highly sensitive” trait—a characteristic that makes one deeply process stimuli and finds themself easily stimulated by it (among other things). The Highly Sensitive Person helps readers work with their traits to establish healthy relationships and work through strained ones of the past.

The Highly Sensitive Person in Love: Understanding and Managing Relationships When the World Overwhelms You - Elaine N. Aron

A continuation of The Highly Sensitive Person, this book takes a more actionable approach and offers sound advice to HSP readers in relationships.

The 9 Types of Leadership: Mastering the Art of People in the 21st Century Workplace - Beatrice Chestnut

This book outlines the 9 enneagram types under the lens of leadership, but the information in The 9 Types of Leadership has value in every relationship, working directly with each type’s patterns and habits for readers to understand themselves better and work on breaking those cycles.

The Path Between Us: An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships - Suzanne Stabile

Guided by enneagram types, The Path Between Us helps readers build healthy, strong connections by using reactive patterns and behaviors to find balance and explanations.

Messages (The Communications Skills Book) - Matthew McKay

As the title suggests, this book outlines strategies for strong communication—a key factor in all healthy relationships. From conflict resolution to effective communication with your first family, Messages is a great foundational book for stronger connections.

Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect - Jonice Webb

Creating healthy relationships in the present often means healing from dysfunctional relationships of the past, which is something Running on Empty addresses. This book guides readers through childhoods of emotional neglect to create deeper, more fulfilling relationships.

Running on Empty No More: Transform Your Relationships With Your Partner, Your Parents and Your Children - Jonice Webb

As a follow-up to Running on Empty, this book continues the conversation and offers more effective solutions for forming deeper connections within current relationships.

OliveMe Counseling YouTube Channel

My Youtube Channel has short, 5-10 minute videos on a variety of topics—including relationships. If you’re looking for bite-sized resources on relationships, my channel is a great place to start your search.