Enneagram Resources

You can explore my blogs about the Enneagram, including one on how to find your Enneagram type.


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The Enneagram Guide to Waking Up: Find Your Path, Face Your Shadow, Discover Your True Self - Beatrice Chestnut PhD and Uranio Paes, MM

This covers the specific growth paths that each Enneagram type and subtype can take in growing beyond their reactive autopilot patterns of thinking, feeling, and doing.

The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self Knowledge - Beatrice Chestnut, PhD

This covers a very comprehensive account of the behind-the-scenes psychological and emotional workings behind the 27 Enneagram subtypes.

The 9 Types of Leadership - Beatrice Chestnut, PhD

Find out how your Enneagram type informs what kind of leader you are and what your strengths, limitations, sweet spots, blind spots, and growth steps are in professional contexts.

The Enneagram of Emotional Intelligence - Scott Allender

Learn about how grow beyond your Enneagram type’s emotional patterns to expand your horizons for your life and relationships.

The Path Between Us: An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships - Suzanne Stabile

Find out how your Enneagram type may influence your personal and professional relationships. Learn how the different combination of Enneagram types influence what kind of relationship you experience.

Other Media

Enneagram 2.0 podcast

This podcast by Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes sheds light on the different Enneagram types and discusses them under the lens of personal growth, relationships, leadership, and more.

The Ultimate PDF Guides

These guides, developed by Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy, offer quick yet detailed information on each type, including key traits, common behavior patterns, and each of the 3 subtypes per type.

Enneagram Type Panels

In this video series, Beatrice Chestnut chats with a panel of people of each type and delves into their lives, behaviors, and blind spots.

Want to learn more about the Enneagram? Check out these blogs.